Jury Nullification: How Public Sentiment Could Shape A Case
When a jury steps into a courtroom, the expectation seems pretty straightforward—listen to the facts, apply the law, and reach a verdict. But what if a jury thinks that a trial under the law would be unfair? That’s where jury nullification steps in. It’s a secretive...

Restorative Justice Practices: Healing Victims and Rehabilitating Offenders
Instead of just focusing on punishment like the traditional justice system, restorative justice is a different way of handling crime and its impact—it aims to heal both victims and offenders. What is Restorative Justice? Restorative justice is a framework that aims...

Representing Yourself in a Criminal Case: Good Idea or Bad
The criminal justice system is an overwhelming place, especially, if you find yourself dead smack in the middle of it. You might wonder if representing yourself is a good idea. Maybe you don’t have enough money for a good attorney. Perhaps you feel your offense isn’t...

The Surprising Role of Human Emotion in Criminal Law Cases
As a criminal lawyer, one thing becomes clear over time: emotions have a huge impact on every stage of a case. But have you ever thought about how emotions might influence decisions in the courtroom? If you were on trial, how do you think your emotions would affect...

Understanding Criminal Charges: Types, Definitions, And Penalties Explained
When you hear terms like “felony,” “misdemeanor,” or “infraction,” it’s easy to feel confused or overwhelmed. What are these words? What’s the difference between them, and what are the punishments for each? Whether you’re dealing with a case or simply want to learn...