California Prostitution Law – An Overview

California Prostitution Law – An Overview

In California, engaging in prostitution, as well as soliciting prostitution, is illegal. This is true even if the acts of prostitution were engaged in willfully and consent was present. Being charged with prostitution can have major consequences, including jail time...

Theft Crimes in California

Theft Crimes in California

Theft involves stealing property or money that belongs to someone else without their consent whether it involves a bank, business, or other entity, or an individual or private residence. Theft offenses may be charged as a misdemeanor or felony depending on certain...

PTSD And Car Accidents

PTSD And Car Accidents

According to the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, people often develop PTSD after witnessing or experiencing an event perceived as life-threatening. Someone may develop post-traumatic stress disorder after being sexually assaulted, involved in...